Now that we have explored the simulation a little, let's take some time to construct a mathematical model to represent this electrical interaction between two charges.
We decided that our independent variables would be the amount of excess charge each particle has, and the separation between the charges. The strength of the electrical interaction between charges is the value of the force.
We are going to use an automated graphing program (CODAP) to collect our data. You will then be able to apply different fits to the data to obtain a linear relationship between all of the variables.
In order to collect a data point, 1) Change the slider bars to the values you want. 2) Click on "Setup". 3) Click on "Compute". 4) Click on "Collect data point". This will enter your data into the CODAP data table with all of the appropriate values.
If you don't see a data table, click on "Tables" and then click on "Experiment Results". If you don't see a graph, simply click on "Graph" then drag it to where you want.
IF you need to linearize data at some point:
- Decide what you have to do to the data to linearize. Usually we think about doing stuff to the independent variables on the x-axis.
- In your data table, look for a little + sign that says "Add a new attribute to this table" when you hover your mouse over it.
- Click that + sign and then type in a name for this calculated variable. For example, if you decided to take the square root of charge_1, you might want to call this variable "charge_1^0.5" so you know what that column represents.
- Now after you hit enter, left-click on the new variable, then click on "edit formula".
- Click on "insert value" then from the list select charge_1 (click on it). It will now be in the formula box, and then just type " ^0.5 " which will take the square root of charge_1. There is also an arithmetic function that does this but typing ^0.5 is easier.
- Click "Apply" and you will have a new data column. Drag this column to the appropriate axis on your graph, and you should now have linearized data!
- Now you can click on the graph, then click on the ruler tool, then on the "least-squares line". This will draw a best fit line through your (linear) data. You can then write this in correct linearized form. Remember to use variables, not x & y, and determine what the units must be for slope and intercept. Write your mathematical model in the answer box.